Can You Pair An Apple‎ Watch With An Android Phone?‎

Most likely, you won’t be‎ able to use your Apple‎ Watch if you don’t have‎ an iPhone. The Apple Watch‎ has an operating system called‎ watchOS, but it still needs‎ to be paired with an‎ iPhone to do most of‎ what it’s made to do.‎ The Watch app on an‎ iPhone is where you add‎ apps, change your watch settings,‎ and set up your Apple‎ Watch.

It would help if‎ you didn’t try to get‎ an Apple Watch to work‎ with an Android phone until‎ this first setup is done.‎ So, an Apple Watch and‎ an Android phone can only‎ work together if the Apple‎ Watch has a cell signal.‎ It can make and receive‎ calls, even when an iPhone‎ is not nearby.

After setting‎ up your Apple Watch on‎ your iPhone, you must‎ move the SIM card from‎ your iPhone to your Android‎ phone. Then, you can attach‎ your Apple Watch to make‎ and receive calls. The process‎ is complex to understand and‎ not worth it. The watch‎ won’t have many features, and‎ you’ll still have to update‎ and sync it with your‎ iPhone occasionally. If you still‎ want to proceed, here are‎ the steps you must take.‎

How To Connect An Apple‎ Watch To An Android Phone‎

The Apple Watch series comes‎ in cellular forms. For this‎ hack to work, you’ll need‎ one of these versions. First,‎ you need an iPhone to‎ connect the watch. Then, it‎ would help if you got‎ an ejector pin to take‎ the SIM card. Lastly, you’ll‎ need to keep the Android‎ phone close by.

Step-by-step Guide‎ For Using Apple Watch With‎ Android:

  • After putting the SIM‎ card in your iPhone, connect‎ it to your Apple Watch.‎ There are several steps to‎ this, but they are all‎ needed for the watch to‎ work.
  • Call yourself on both‎ phones to ensure your SIM‎ card works and everything is‎ set up correctly.
  • Turn off‎ your Apple Watch and iPhone.‎ Take the SIM card out‎ of your iPhone and put‎ it in your Android phone.‎
  • First, turn on your Android‎ phone and wait for it‎ to connect to your cell‎ network. Then, turn on your‎ Apple Watch.
  • Your Android phone‎ and Apple Watch no longer‎ link via Bluetooth but now‎ share the same SIM card.‎ If you use the SIM‎ card from your Android phone,‎ you must be able to‎ create and receive calls on‎ your Apple Watch. Here, you‎ can use your Apple Watch‎ to do simple things, like‎ check the time and get‎ to apps that don’t need‎ your iPhone to work. You‎ can even stream music to‎ your Apple Watch without an‎ iPhone if you set it‎ up beforehand.

Why The Hack‎ Falls Short:

Because the Apple‎ Watch has LTE, you can‎ technically make and receive calls.‎ However, there are a few‎ reasons why it could be‎ better. To begin, the Apple‎ Watch is meant to work‎ with an iPhone. With an‎ iPhone, the watch can do‎ more. You might enjoy an‎ Apple Watch more if you‎ set it up for your‎ family. All of these things‎ will only work with an‎ iPhone. Why should you make‎ your watch work with an‎ Android if you already have‎ an iPhone? You’ll get the‎ best results if you use‎ all three the way they‎ were meant to be used.‎

Also, using LTE on your‎ Apple Watch all the time‎ is wrong for its battery;‎ it will die much faster‎ than it should. If the‎ watch has to look for‎ signals a lot, some users‎ have found that it uses‎ up to 50% more battery‎ life when they are on‎ cellular. There are a lot‎ of other smartwatch brands that‎ work with Android. You should‎ get an Android phone if‎ that’s what you want. These‎ other smartwatches are more flexible‎ than the Apple Watch because‎ they come in more styles‎ and price ranges.

Alternatives For‎ Android Users

Even if your‎ Apple Watch doesn’t work with‎ your Android device, there are‎ many other options for your‎ smartwatch. Many tracker makers have‎ made their products work with‎ Android so that users can‎ choose from various options.

Embracing‎ The Android Wear OS:

Smartwatches‎ that run on the Android‎ Wear OS are popular for‎ Android users. This operating system,‎ which Google made, ensures that‎ your Android phone and smartwatch‎ work well together. Devices like‎ the Samsung Galaxy Watch and‎ Fossil Gen 5 are great‎ for people who care about‎ easy interaction.

Samsung Galaxy Watch‎ Series:

Samsung has been a‎ leader in the Android market‎ for a long time, and‎ its Galaxy Watch line has‎ made it stand out. These‎ devices work perfectly with Samsung‎ smartphones and have a lot‎ of features, such as tracking‎ your exercise and keeping a‎ close eye on your overall‎ health. For example, the Galaxy‎ Watch Active2 has a sleek‎ look and many valuable features.‎

Fitbit – A Fitness-centric Approach:‎

Fitbit smartwatches are an excellent‎ choice for people who are serious about‎ their health. People can use‎ gadgets like the Fitbit Sense‎ and Versa 3 to track‎ their health and exercise in‎ more advanced ways. Because Fitbit‎ works with both Android and‎ iOS devices, it’s a good‎ choice for everyone, no matter‎ what kind of smartphone they‎ use.

Garmin – Unparalleled Fitness‎ Tracking:

People who are really‎ into exercise and being outside‎ will love Garmin trackers. Garmin’s‎ Venu and Fenix lines are‎ robust exercise trackers with GPS‎ guidance and long-lasting designs. These‎ smartwatches work well with Android‎ phones and tablets, making them‎ an excellent choice for people‎ who are always on the‎ go.

Huawei – Fusion Of‎ Style And Functionality:

For example,‎ the Huawei Watch GT and‎ Watch Fit are stylish and‎ valuable simultaneously. These watches have‎ excellent battery life, run on‎ Huawei’s LiteOS, and work flawlessly‎ with Huawei smartphones. The Huawei‎ Watch GT 3 stands out‎ because of its sleek design‎ and intelligent health monitoring features.‎


Connecting an Apple Watch to‎ an Android phone makes sense, but some‎ problems make this a less-than-ideal‎ option. When it comes to‎ iPhones, the Apple Watch does‎ very well. Android users can pick‎ from various‎ trackers designed to work‎ with their devices without going through many extra‎ steps. In the end, portability,‎ ease of use, and the‎ general user experience are the‎ most important things to consider‎ when picking a smartwatch.