10 Ultimate Battery Saving Phone Hacks

We live in a rapidly evolving world and our smartphones are more than just communication devices; they are our lifeline to the digital world. However, as our dependence on these electronic devices increases, so does our frustration with batteries that don’t seem to meet our needs. Don’t worry, because I’ve rounded up ten of the most effective ways to extend battery life to keep your phone running for as long as you need it.

1. Mobile device’s battery

Before we start discussing, let’s have a basic understanding of cell phone batteries. According to the findings of The Science Behind Battery Drain, many factors such as screen brightness, time spent using apps and connection settings play a role. By learning how to monitor your phone’s battery usage, you’ll learn which activities drain your battery the most.

2. Top 10 Ways to Save Battery Life

  1. You should lower the brightness of your screen because a brighter screen uses more power. You can significantly save battery life by reducing the brightness to a level that is still suitable for reading.
  2. Reduce the amount of data used in the background: Many apps remain running and access data in the background, draining the battery. Limiting background data can help extend your battery life.
  3. Unnecessary notifications should be turned off as any notification will cause the screen to light up and reduce battery life. Use the app settings to disable notifications that are not strictly necessary.
  4. Take advantage of power saving modes: Most smartphones come with built-in power saving modes that allow you to extend battery life by adjusting various settings.
  5. Reduce the time you spend using power-hungry apps: Some apps consume more battery power. When trying to extend battery life, you need to identify them and limit how often you use them.
  6. It is important to keep your phone cool as overheating can reduce battery performance. When charging your phone, make sure you don’t leave it in a warm place or use it for a long time without charging.
  7. Provide regular updates to your operating system and apps: Regular updates often include optimizations that can improve battery efficiency.
  8. Dark Mode: Dark mode has the potential to significantly reduce battery consumption when used on OLED and AMOLED displays.
  9. You should disable location services if you don’t need them. Location services can seriously affect battery power. If you are not using them, make sure to turn them off.
  10. Manage your connection options Wi-Fi is more energy efficient than mobile data, so it is recommended that you switch to Wi-Fi when it is available. In areas with poor reception, also disable Bluetooth on your device and switch to airplane mode.


By applying these ten battery-saving tips, you can significantly extend the life of your phone’s battery. Always remember that these are just small adjustments that together can have a big impact. So go ahead and enjoy longer battery life!


1. How often should I make sure my phone is fully charged?

Charging your phone when it reaches approximately 20% of battery life and unplugging it when it reaches 80% can help keep your phone’s battery healthy.

2. Will using dark mode ultimately extend battery life?

Using dark mode actually reduces power consumption, especially on OLED or AMOLED displays where the pixels are individually illuminated.

3. Does closing apps help extend battery life?

This is not always the case. Applications on most modern smartphones are managed efficiently. Putting apps into standby mode may use less power than closing and reopening them repeatedly.

4. Is it a bad idea if I charge my phone overnight?

Although modern smartphones are designed to minimize the risk of overcharging, it’s still a good idea to avoid charging your phone to its maximum capacity too often.

5. Is there a way I can make my battery last longer?

If you want longer battery life, avoid extremely high temperatures, uninstall unnecessary apps, and follow the charging tips mentioned earlier.